
保安部, 与校园正规买球平台有哪些的所有成员合作, strives to create and maintain a safe environment conducive to the educational mission of the University. 这是通过积极主动的教育和预防犯罪方案来实现的, 干预, 策略执行, 以及应急响应.


  • 当你离开房间、办公室和汽车时,锁上门锁,哪怕只是几分钟. 小偷可以进入一个区域,拿走你的财产,然后在几秒钟内消失. 当你不在的时候,把一楼的窗户锁上,窗帘拉上.
  • 人多安全. 如果可能的话,跟团旅行. 当这不是一个选择的时候, 打电话给校园保安,在主校区免费护送,或者使用LiveSafe应用程序. 这项服务每周7天,每天24小时提供.
  • 注意你周围的环境. 要花时间避开潜在的危险情况或人员. 正规买球平台有哪些你的直觉和运用常识是你最好的保护技巧.
  • 一旦发现可疑活动或人员, 尽快打电话给保安人员报告.



The 安全办公室 offers several programs to raise the security consciousness and overall level of safety for members of the university community.


  • 校园安全,降低风险
  • 个人防护
  • 强奸侵犯防御(RAD)
  • 旅行的安全
  • 楼宇保安审核
  • 对酒精和毒品的认识
  • 工作场所暴力. 可以根据学生和员工的要求增加额外的课程. 



可疑和犯罪活动, 还有安全问题, 应该向保卫部报告吗.

在紧急情况下,校园周围设有蓝帽电话. Activation of any of these phones opens a direct line between the caller and the 24-hour security desk. 手机顶部的频闪灯启动,将注意力引向来电者.

Security also can be reached by calling 911 from any campus phone; by using elevator phones; or red emergency phones in the lobbies of Hayes and Lewis Halls; Galvin Fine Arts Center; and the Beehive in Ambrose Hall. The call will ring directly to the security desk and receive an immediate response from the security staff.

如果事件是犯罪性质的, the victim/reporting person is encouraged to report the incident to the Davenport Police Department. The Security Department will assist by serving as an advocate for the victim/reporting person as they complete the report filing process.

Lock Outs

From time to time, students may find themselves locked out of their residential room. 当这种情况发生时, 学生需要在罗加尔斯基中心的安全服务台填写一份解锁表. 只要文书工作完成了, the rounds guard will be available to unlock the student's room at his/her earliest convenience.



Any property found on campus should be brought to the Security office in the Rogalski Center as soon as possible. 我们将尽合理努力与业主取得联系. All found/confiscated property will be kept for 30 days from the date it is turned in or two weeks after the close of any semester. In order to assist with recovery, all lost items of value should be reported to the Security office.


Controlling access to campus facilities is the first tier in providing safety and security for the members of the campus community and protecting all property owned by the University.

To that end, it is the responsibility of every campus member to make certain that doors are not propped open and that visitors/guests and residents use only designated entrances and exits while following these guidelines:

  • Bechtel, Cosgrove, Davis, Franklin, Hagen, Rohlman, McCarthy, North, and Tiedemann Halls will remain locked 24 hours per day and are monitored through an electronic access control system.
  • 在校学生可以从早上7点开始进入所有宿舍.m. to 11 p.m. daily. 晚上11点开始.m.在美国,只有每栋楼的居民才能进入.
  • St. Ambrose students and visitors to the buildings must follow the appropriate procedures as outlined in the 居住生活访问政策. The visitation policy requires all guests to leave the building (except in preferred housing) by 2 a.m.,除了正确签到的同性客人. 主人和客人都要对违反访问政策负责. Residents of the townhouses and individual campus houses are not required to sign in their guests and have a more open visitation policy. All residential facilities are patrolled frequently by Security and 居住生活 personnel.
  • 学术建筑通常在晚上10点由保安部保护.m. 早上7点重新开放.m. 保安人员对所有区域和校园进行例行巡逻. Students and employees are encouraged to report safety concerns such as inadequate lighting and door/lock problems to the security desk.

一些校园设施, 比如健康和娱乐中心和/或尸体实验室, require additional levels of security to ensure that facilities are being used by authorized individuals. These measures include showing your campus issued picture ID upon entry and/or using an access control device to gain entry.

The University reserves the right to modify access requirements into facilities as necessary to ensure both the safety of users and the smooth, 设备的高效运行. The University will make reasonable efforts to inform the community of any requirements and changes. 这些努力将包括电子邮件通信, MySAU门户网站公告, 及/或设施入口处的标志.

Members of the 可以买滚球的正规平台正规买球平台有哪些 experiencing issues with using their BeeCard (access controlled) doors or entry points should contact BeeCard Services at 563-333-6257, BeeCard@530317.com或如果在营业时间以外,请致电563-333-6104寻求帮助.

Students who have lost their BeeCard are responsible for immediately reporting the loss via the GET app or BeeCard网站.


为了加强对人民和财产的保护. 可以买滚球的正规平台正规买球平台有哪些, closed circuit television cameras (CCTV) are located at various locations around campus.

加强监控是打击犯罪的常用手段, maintaining a sense of privacy among community members is also important to maintaining a healthy environment.

以确保正规买球平台有哪些成员的隐私, 这些摄像头将只监控一般被接受的公共区域, 这些图像只会提供给执法部门和大学的工作人员. This system will provide the ability to review images should crimes be reported in these areas, and it may also be used to monitor suspicious behavior reported on the campus grounds.


The campus community is encouraged to report any student who has been missing for at least 24 hours to Campus Security or any Resident Advisor (RA), 区域协调员, 或者学生办公室主任.

All residential students may contact the Campus Security Department to register a confidential contact person in the event they are missing. This information will only be available to authorized campus officials and law enforcement officers investigating the missing persons report. All reports of missing students should be immediately forwarded to the Security Department.

接到学生失踪报告后, 我们将尽一切努力与RA联系, roommates, suitemate, 区域协调员, 和教授们一起去确定研究对象的下落. 如果目标没有被发现,达文波特警察局会收到通知. 如果对象未满18岁, 或在大学认为适当的时候, 家长和监护人也会收到通知.



This policy is in response to the danger posed by hover boards/self-balancing scooters (which led to their recall by all major manufacturers) due to fact that the lithium-ion battery packs in the self-balancing scooters/hover boards can overheat, 造成产品吸烟的危险, 着火, 和/或爆炸.



518 W. Locust St.
达文波特,IA 52803


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